Jeff Koons in Florence.
Cover picture: Barberini Faun – Jeff Koons (2013), Sala dei Gigli, Palazzo Vecchio – Firenze
The Contemporary Art comes to Florence.
Piazza della Signoria and Palazzo Vecchio in Florence will host between 26/09/15 and 12/28/15 two picturesque works of the great American artist Jeff Koons that defies comparison with the great timeless masterpieces of Donatello and Michelangelo.
Koons will see installed sull’arengario Palazzo Vecchio his “Pluto and Proserpina”, monumental review of the Bernini masterpiece, while the Sala dei Gigli in the Palazzo Vecchio will find space the “Barberini Faun”, chalk cheeky and seductive realized in 2013.
Piazza della Signoria, free admission;
Palazzo Vecchio daily at 9-23 Thursday 9-14, admission 10 euro.
David di Michelangelo (1504) – Pluto e Proserpina di Jeff Koons (2013)
Ingresso Palazzo Vecchio – Firenze
Settembre 2015 – Dicembre 2015

Promotion for Exhibition “Divine Beauty”
Formidable opportunity for all our Guests who book a stay, if only for one night, directly from our site or via email, telephone, Facebook and Instagram:
FULL REFUND of the ticket of the exhibition Divine Beauty of Van Gogh, Chagall and Fontana - Palazzo Strozzi.
The offer is valid for the duration of the exhibition: from 24/09/2015 to 01/24/2016.

DIVIN BEAUTY from Van Gogh to Chagall and Fontana
Cover picture: The Pietà, Vincent Van Gogh.
“BEAUTY DIVINE between Van Gogh, Chagall and Fountain” is the title of a fascinating show that Palazzo Strozzi in Florence will host from 09/24/2015 up to 01/24/2016.
The Angelus by Jean-François Millet
The Modern Art and the Sacred Art in the mid nineteenth century and mid-twentieth century, are the stars with more than 100 works by artists, Italian and foreign, famous throughout the world.
By Pablo Picasso to Max Ernst, Felice Casorati and Domenico Morelli, Gino Severini and Edward Munch, Vincent Van Gogh and Renato Guttuso, Vedova and Lucio Fontana. All present to discuss among themselves and between artists lesser known but equally valid to bring us to reflect on the complex relationship between art and the sacred generator insights, energy and intense conflicts.
Among the exhibits: the Pietà of Van Gogh, the White Crucifixion of Chagall, the Angelus of Millet.
Born from a collaboration of the Fondazione Palazzo Strozzi with great art institutions (Orsay Museum in Paris, Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, Vatican Museums) is part of the events organized on the occasion of the V National Ecclesiastical Conference, present in Florence between 9 and 11/13/2015 which also speak Pope Francis.
Catalog offers our guests in our B & B.
White Crucifixion by Marc Chagall